Method: To refer the literature of interventional therapy with dan-shen root parenteral solution and the experimental study. 方法:参考相关介入治疗应用丹参的文献和丹参与介入治疗相关的实验研究文献。
Objective: To explore the effect of Angelica parenteral solution ( APS) on Lymph microcirculation in rats with acute microcirculation disturbance. 目的:探讨当归注射液对急性微循环障碍大鼠淋巴微循环的作用。
Clinical Study on Compound Angelica Parenteral Solution Acupoint Injection to Pain Relief during Labor 复方当归穴位注射减轻分娩疼痛的临床研究
Sodium selenite; salvia miltiorrhiza parenteral solution; thrombus; Orthogonal design. 亚硒酸钠;丹参注射液;血栓;正交设计。
Clinical study of Danshen parenteral solution on cytokines and cardiac function in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy during heart failure 丹参注射液对ICM患者血清细胞因子和心功能的影响
Effect of Shen Qi Fu Zheng Parenteral Solution Combined with Chemotherapy on Activity of Telomerase and Effect in Patients with Acute Leukemia 参芪扶正注射液联合化疗对急性白血病患者骨髓细胞端粒酶活性的影响
Shenmai parenteral solution can significantly decrease blood viscosity. 参麦注射液能显著改善循环血流速度,降低血粘度。
AIM To study the feasibility for the bacterial endotoxin inspection method of Compound Sodium Acetate Parenteral Solution. 目的考察复方醋酸钠注射液的细菌内毒素检查法的可行性,以替代热原检查法。
AIM: Many problems are found after epidural injection of anesthetic, such as short analgesic time and side effects. The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of clinical application of buprenorphine combined with Chinese angelica parenteral solution and metoclopramide by epidural injection for analgesia. 目的:硬膜外注射麻醉药用于镇痛常存在镇痛时间短、副作用多的问题,观察硬膜外注射丁丙诺啡复合当归和胃复安用于镇痛,探讨其临床应用的可行性。
The patients in treatment group were treated by Huangqi parenteral solution and ligustrazine, however the ones in control group were treated by troxerutin. 治疗组给予黄芪注射液与川芎嗪氯化钠注射液联用,对照组给予维脑路通注射液静脉输注。
Amphotericin B and parenteral solution of Itraconazole have no obvious difference. 二性霉素B和伊曲康唑注射液在疗效上差异无显著性。
Conclusions Huangqi parenteral solution has satisfactory antivirus action and it can relieve the damage of myocardial cell of viral myocarditis. 结论黄芪注射液具有良好的抗病毒作用,能显著减轻病毒性心肌炎心肌细胞的损伤。
Conclusion: Chinese angelica parenteral solution can increase the contractility and spontaneous contraction frequency of mesenteric microlymphatics, improve lymph backflow in blood stasis rats. 结论:当归注射液能明显增强血瘀证大鼠肠系膜淋巴管自主收缩频率及收缩性,补充血容量后微淋巴管口径明显扩张,淋巴液回流增加。
On the Compound Matrices Analgesic effect of epidural injection of buprenorphine combined with Chinese angelica parenteral solution and metoclopramide 丁丙诺啡复合当归和胃复安硬膜外注射的镇痛作用
Effects of Qingkailing Parenteral Solution on ANF and SOD of Serum in Patients with Cor Pulmonale at Acute Episode Stage 清开灵对肺心病急性发作期血浆ANFSOD的影响
Chinese angelica parenteral solution was replaced by normal saline in control group. 对照组给予生理盐水代替当归注射液治疗。
Objective: To observe the efficacy and safety of domestic sparfloxacin ( SPFX) parenteral solution in treatment of acute bacterial infections. 目的:观察国产司氟沙星注射液(SPFX)治疗急性细菌感染的疗效和不良反应。
Effect of astragalus parenteral solution on cytokines and angiotensin ⅱ in patients with congestive heart failure 黄芪注射液对充血性心力衰竭患者细胞因子和血管紧张素Ⅱ的影响
Absorption of nimodipine parenteral solution by infusion set in intravenous administration via micro-pump 微泵给药时输液器对尼莫地平注射液的吸附作用
Aim To study the pharmacokinetics of ropivacaine mesylate parenteral solution in dogs. 目的研究狗静脉注射甲磺酸罗哌卡因注射液的药代动力学。
Objective: Set up the method of the content measurement for Sodium Citicoline in Sodium Citicoline NaCl Parenteral Solution for the using of supervision in the production and marketing. 目的:建立胞磷胆碱钠氯化钠注射液中胞磷胆碱钠含量测定方法。用于生产及市场监控。
Astragalus parenteral solution may decrease levels of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-6 and angiotensin ⅱ directly or indirectly, which helps to improve the cardiac function. 黄芪注射液可能直接或间接降低血肿瘤坏死因子α、白细胞介素6和血管紧张素Ⅱ水平,有利于改善心功能。
Objective: Set up the Famotidine Sodium Chloride Parenteral Solution high-perfor-mance liquid chromatography measure for the using of supervision in the production and market-ing. 目的:建立一种法莫替丁氯化钠注射液高效液相色谱测定方法,用于生产及市场监控。
Objective: To observe the effect of acupoint injection with astragalus parenteral solution in rat chronic pelvic inflammatory disease ( CPID). 目的:观察黄芪注射液穴位注射对慢性盆腔炎大鼠模型的治疗作用。
Angelica parenteral solution can protect embryonic cartilage tissue of rats during hypoxia stage. 当归注射液对缺氧鼠胚软骨组织可能有保护作用。
Animal grouping and interventions: Rats in the myocardial infarction+ hormone+ mobilized group were treated with injection of methylprednisone parenteral solution ( 30 mg/ kg) via caudal vein immediately after model establishment. 动物分组干预:心肌梗死+激素+动员组大鼠于造模后即刻按30mg/kg剂量经尾静脉注射甲基强的松龙注射液。
The clinical observation of local application dexasone or Chinese angelica parenteral solution for reduce postoperative low back pain 局部应用地塞米松或当归液以减低术后腰背痛发生的临床观察